Brush Clearance: The Fond Foundation spends at least $35,000 per year on brush clearance. The Fond Foundation usually exceeds the City of Los Angeles brush clearance requirements. After the La Tuna fire in 2017, the Fond Foundation had to fell numerous trees that had burned and did not recover from the fire. Please note that despite brush clearance the Fond Foundation does not clear brush on other people’s property. Only the homeowners can clear their own property. Additionally, the Fire Department sends out a pamphlet each year which describes brush clearance methods and how to prevent embers from burning houses. Embers can travel miles in a strong wind and fires create their own wind storms. Brush clearance is important but does not guarantee that houses will be protected.
Trails: The Fond Foundation is in the process of mapping out trails. While on the trails that do exist, please be careful to watch out for wildlife. For the most part, the existing trails predate the Fond Foundation’s acquisition of the property in 2005.
Trash Removal: When the Fond Park property was first acquired there was a lot of trash including abandoned cars and garbage dumped by people who thought this was a better/cheaper dumping site than the City dump. This also included tires, tiles, and demolition material. The Fond Foundation has spent many thousands of dollars and time cleaning this unique open space and appreciates everyone’s efforts to keep the area clean.
Stewardship: This beautiful open space park will be here longer than we, and it is our intention, to make sure we leave it in better condition than we found it. Thank you for your help in this stewardship.