In April 2005, the Fond Land Preservation Foundation purchased a significant number of parcels of land, totaling nearly 500 acres within the Verdugo Mountains in the city of Los Angeles between the Shadow Hills and La Tuna Canyon communities. In the years following 2005, we have acquired another 100+ acres. The acquisitions make the Foundation’s open space of the largest privately held open spaces within Los Angeles County. The “Photos” link has a map of the Fond Family Open Space. The size and scope of the Fond Family Open Space has already added to the enjoyment of the general public – equestrians use it to traverse the Verdugo Mountains, people are hiking, bird watching, and walking their leashed dogs.
The Fond Family Open Space is bordered on the East by the 210 Freeway, the North by residential development along and adjacent to Sunland Boulevard, the West by residential development and open space within the Verdugo Mountains near Rotta Street, and on the South by the ridgeline within the Verdugo Mountains between Sunland Boulevard and La Tuna Canyon.
A review of historic maps indicates that the Fond Family Open Space was once part of Hispanic land grants – Rancho San Rafael on the South and Rancho Tujunga on the North. The bulk of the Fond Family Open Space was carved from Rancho Tujunga and is located in the community now known as Sunland.